Dr Wendy Jane Duncan is a specialist child and adolescent psychiatrist based at the Oxford Healthcare Centre, Saxonwold.
Dr Duncan’s practice intends to address the needs of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders, emotional and behavioural difficulties, while supporting and guiding parents and families in this process.
Her qualifications include an MBBCh(Wits), FCPsych(SA) and Cert Child Psych (SA). She is currently completing her MMed in Psychiatry.
Dr Duncan’s medical and psychiatric background is coupled with a holistic psychosocial approach to mental health difficulties. Problems within the child and family are assessed thoroughly and addressed broadly; with substantial engagement and co-consultation with other professionals working in the field, including psychologists (clinical, counselling and educational), occupational therapists, speech therapists, remedial therapists and social workers.
Young Adults Programme (YAP) at Akeso Clinic Parktown
Admission to the Young Adults Programme (YAP) at Akeso Clinic Parktown is an option for adolescents (13 to 18 years) who are in crisis:
These young patients would be managed by Dr Duncan with the assistance of members of the in-house COPE (Centre of Psychological Excellence Team).